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Cities, towns and places to visit

Scotland is steeped in history and every town and village is worth a visit. I have lived in Scotland all of my life but there are still large chunks of it that I have not visited and many places that I have visited but not really seen. My job took me me to most of the main towns and cities in Scotland on multiple occasions but I can't claim that these visits broadened my knowledge of these places other than perhaps improving my ability to navigate my way around them.


I would like to rectify this situation and put some effort into finding out about the places that I visit and put some of what I discover on record here.

Elie in Fife

St. Andrews

The Island of Mull

New Zealand


Ross Priory

Gairloch and Poolewe

Lewis and Harris


New Edinburgh

South West Scotland

Inverclyde Wind Farm



Linlithgow Palace

Island of Tiree


East Neuk of Fife

Isle of May

Island of Bute


A Highland Road Trip