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Day 14 Monday 19th June 2017

Gretna to Abington 50 Miles

Nothing much to report for today because the N74 is the old A74 which is now called the B7076. My dog-eared guide book stayed firmly in my pocket as I pedalled northwards with no turns or opportunities to take wrong turns. After moaning and complaining about the complexity of the route on earlier days, the problem now was that there was nothing to see but green fields and rolling hills.

It was another very nice day and I stopped for tea and a scone in Lockerbie, sitting outside a café on the main street and then for lunch in Beattock. The road has a surprising amount of traffic on it and given that it was an A road, it is quite wide and still well maintained and some of the traffic, (with a lot of lorries) moves very fast.

The road rolled on for 50 miles until I reached my overnight stop in Abington or more precisely, at the services just north of Abington because there is very little in the village itself. On previous days I have covered 50 miles and it seemed like a lot more because of the terrain or route finding difficulty but today was relaxed and leisurely and I was done by 5pm. The ascent involved was only 2,400 feet and I averaged about 10mph with my panniers and taking it very easy.

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Setting off from Gretna

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Back Home

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